Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010

Correct Answer: Memorial Drive

Some people guessed more specific locations, but I was going for the more general Memorial Drive :) This was actually taken right near the boathouse thing.

The view is amazing anytime of year here, but this night in particular was gorgeous. The moon was almost full, the sky was practically clear, the air was perfectly summer-ific...ahh so many reasons to love Boston!

Where is your favorite view of Boston from? Tell me about it!

A summer night's walk along one of the prettiest places in the area. Where Am I?

Side note: Found these ALL along the walk, practically every foot or less along the railing, and almost touched one a few times. The Local Pup was NOT happy about it.

1 comment:

Thanks for guessing the location of the Local Pup!

The post will be updated with the correct location later today. Check back to see if you were right!